Friday, June 29, 2012


 Hi you guys have not seen you for days! Well I am ready to blog today. You know my brother with the curly hair well if you don't remember it is okay, last Tuesday 19th my brother got a hair cut by my dad had buzzed his hair:-O, so cute but miss his

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jesus Is Always There

   Hello, did you know when you do something bad Jesus is always watching, but he still loves you. Even when you are mad, upset, or happy. One time someone told me a story of three children and how, one day they were coming home from the grocery store and they where fighting and their mom had to stop the car, when she had stopped a 4,000 truck had smashed the back seat of the car and the children died. A year went by and the mother and father had three more children. So that meant God took, and gave. But just because something bad happens dosen't mean you have to get mad at God, it just happens. 
  I love god he ha's always guiding us through our lives. Jesus died for us, for our sins. I believe that he did the right choice for us.
  I have a Question for you: What would happen if you were on a Soccer Team and you prayed you would win, and also the other Soccer Team you were agence, did too? What would you do? Well see ou later!!!!!

The really Sad Story.........

Hey, have not seen you guys in so long well today I am going to tell you a "Sad Story" and if you guys don't like sad stories to bad lol...... Here it is:(

                                                                     Sad Story:(
        Once there was a girl who wanted a ring. But the boy gave a teddy-bear instead. In anger, the girl threw the bear on the road. The boy want to take it back but he was hit by a coming car and died. At his funeral the girl hugged the bear and in the machine in it spoke: "Will you marry me ?" Guess what she found, a ring inside it.

     P.S. when i was typing this i started crying because it is so sad:( lol thx for listening and more post will come bye

Friday, February 3, 2012


You should check out my bff's blog hers is awesome!!! Heres the blogs name"" thank you

Monday, December 26, 2011

my blog

hi it is me, i am new at this but i hope you enjoy my posts if you want to see my posts it is or Well that is it , i hope you enjoy it and come by and see my posts any time. 

movie night

This is movie night. We are watching Zookeeper everyone laughed i guess it is a comedy movie. When right when it turned on everyone sat down and zoned in to the movie. Here is some s couple of pics.


the cries

 everyone was so happy but then cries came owen cried then noah then julia will everyone be okay? Will someone else cry or is it the end?